• Excellence in Education

    The vision of TCU is to present Christian perspectives and biblical principles for serious students interested in pursuing a degree …

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  • Get More From Life!

    Your life experience has value, whether you entered the workforce with a G.E.D., served in the armed forces, or started …

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  • Accelerated Course Study

    Instead of the usual 17 to 18 week term used in traditional colleges, TCU students focus on the courses they …

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  • Top Down Enrollment

    As part of the enrollment process, TCU students are evaluated in order to determine their proficiency in math, science, reading, …

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  • About TCU


    Too often, college students must enroll in courses that simply are not related to their degree path. This can be very frustrating, and many students lose interest when they are required to study something they have no desire to learn! While prerequisites still drive course selection, an open curriculum allows students to select courses that are not only related to their desired degree, but are beneficial to their “educational health”.

    An open curriculum is currently being offered at a variety of prestigious colleges and universities across the country. Students at major institutions such as Brown University have achieved their goals using this system. Since an open curriculum still requires academic direction, students at TCU work closely with an Academic Advisor, rather than following a predetermined course of study. This way, students are able to make wise choices based on their individual goals, whether their goals are related to a specific business or profession, or for ministry, missions, community improvement, or simply for their own personal interest. Students that exhibit good self-discipline and a high level of motivation have a great chance of success in an open curriculum. The more relaxed structure can make it easier to earn a degree, and it does empower the student to manage their own education. It also results in greater responsibility, and that is by design. For that reason, parental involvement is not only encouraged … it is both required and expected!


    There can be no doubt about the effectiveness of homeschooling. Year after year, students who are home educated rank higher and achieve more than those in the traditional public school system. For example, prior to the freshman year of college, traditionally educated students earn about 6.0 college credits, while home educated students average 14.7 credits prior to entering college. They also score higher on college entrance exams, and enjoy a higher acceptance rate. On standardized academic achievement tests, home schoolers score 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students. Then, during their college years, home educated students hold a higher grade point average than traditionally taught students, and are more likely to graduate.

    The skills learned in a home school environment translate to success in college, both socially and on the academic level. Statistics show that home educated students are better prepared for college level work because they learn to work at their own pace, and are thus able to obtain mastery over a subject. Dual enrollment at TCU enhances that process greatly and allows students to achieve their goals in a more timely manner than the traditional education system.

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